The Top 40 Torrent Sites of 2008 | Demonoid is back !
As of June 25, 2008, the most popular Bit Torrent search engine sites are listed below.
"while P2P file sharing technology is completely legal, many of the files traded through P2P are copyrighted. Unless you live in Canada where users are shielded from P2P lawsuits, then downloading P2P files may put you at risk for a civil lawsuit in any other country. "
Special Mention :
Some of sites include private torrent trackers,(it is said that private trackers are more speed than public trackers, and they have leeching them always which you can download at any time)
which means that usually you have to sign up with them.
some sites are not allowing sign ups at every time
But you have a way to know what trackers are open to sign up by going to (BTRACKS)
BTRACS is an automatic information site which periodically checks closed community bittorrent trackers for being open for signup. Some closed community bittorrent trackers' signups are closed and are "invite only". Here is where BTRACS can help you. The main page is being refreshed every 10 minutes automatically. It checks all bittorrent trackers in its database and provides you the relevant information - which of these bittorrent trackers' signups are open.Demonoid is back:
Good news to all of lovers, it is now back online!
They have established themselves outside of the USA, (Ukraine)
Demonoid is still a private community.
Which require you to sign up.Signups are closed at this time.
But I have heard that demonoid is allowing signups at every weekend (usually friday)
So get tuned with the site till you get the chance. If not You must have an 'Invitation code' from an existing member. (ShareTV is dedicated to sharing television episodes and entire TV series. Find "24", "Heroes", and "Lost" episodes here. (This site has been submitted recently by three readers as their personal favorite torrent search engine. It "meta-searches" 159 torrent sites as of this writing. Special thanks to Dina, Suresh, and ChaOSthEory for this submission.)
The Pirate Bay (Pirate Bay, by readership size, is the most popular torrent search site today. Pirate Bay has an immense database of 600,000+ torrents, the largest database at this time.) has 190,000 torrents indexed as of April, 2007. Mininova is the successor to Suprnova, one of the original big torrent databases of the Web.
- Bitsoup Bitsoup is a growing favorite amongst P2P downloaders. As the trend towards private torrent sharing continues, you will need to signup and join as a member to participate in the Bitsoup swarm.
- BiteNova (formerly known as “Bi-Torrents”, BiteNova is a free Torrent site with a spartan look and fast searching format.)
- (a "meta-search" engine, which is a search engine that searches other search engines)
- (As the name implies, this is a database of public-domain content. Thanks to Anand S. for this URL.)
September, 2007: Isohunt is barring American users from connecting to American torrent trackers. American users, however, can still use Isohunt to find torrents, and connect to third party trackers. - March 24, 2008: Torrentspy has voluntarily closed its doors. Instead of conforming to the American court mandates to change their privacy policies, the Torrentspy team has opted instead to cease operations. A sad day for downloaders everywhere.
- (special thanks to reader, Jonathan R., for this link)
- Snarf It! (born from previous Suprnova influences)
- has 190,000 torrents indexed as of April, 2007. Mininova is the successor to Suprnova, one of the original big torrent databases of the Web.
- (Torrentreactor has made a comeback from a hijacking and an uncooperative hosting service. They have moved to a different server setup and a Tonga country domain outside the USA. Read the details on their home page.)
- FYI: like Isohunt, Torrentbox is being sued by the MPAA as of February 28, 2006. The days for this fine search engine may be numbered.
- BTjunkie
- (a unique bittorrent meta-search engine that searches several of the most popular sites. Unfortunately, it does not do a good job categorizing the torrent files themselves)
- The Pirate Bay (Pirate Bay, by readership size, is the most popular torrent search site today. Pirate Bay has an immense database of 600,000+ torrents, the largest database at this time.)
great article I have found on the internet.
Btracks is really helpful to find open torrent trackers.
Thank you.
Why the pirate bay at the end of the list. ?
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i need a demonoid invitation code
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I would really appreciate a demonoid invitation code as well.
please send me demonoid code on
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american free torrent site ?
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i will give an invitation code to demonoid , if that person can invitate me to this web
This is quite true..Cyber that is internet is taking anew turn on every individual's life..This post is really very good post..
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