Droped domain names at lowest price from name.com
Name.com a premier domain registrar now offers 'Domain Name Happy Hour' allowing you to register droped domain names at it's lowest as 5.49$. This is a really good offer to register domain names cheapely with name.com.
They starts domain name happy hour at 3pm each day and last to 9.59pm.
Here are the price reductions at each hour.
Time Frame – Price
3pm to 4:59 – $8.49
5pm to 6:59 – $7.49
7pm to 8:59 – $6.49
9pm to 9:59 – $5.49
You can view the Recently deleted/droped domains at name.com, Recently deleted domains.
Only the domain names released during the main drop each day are eligible and only upon their first registration after the drop.
You also can check our name.com promo codes for receive great discounts at buying domains.
Name.com Promo codes - May - 01$ discount
Name.com Promo codes - June - 0.50$ - 1.99$ discount
Name.com is one of the premier domain registrar on the internet who provides considerable bargains in buying domains. They reputed as a cheap domain name registrar.
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